Saturday, 29 February 2020
Judge voids oil and gas leases on almost 1 million acres of public lands
Major news networks devoted less than 4 hours to climate change in 2019. Total.
Virtual reality can bring ancient cities back to life and improve conservation
More Than 9 Million People Are Freecycling Instead of Buying New
Tesla "big battery" in Australia is becoming a bigger nightmare for fossil fuel power generators
For Decades, Cartographers Have Been Hiding Covert Illustrations Inside of Switzerland’s Official Maps
How a seasonal snarl-up in the mid-1500s gave us our strange rules for leap years
The war on food waste is a waste of time
Coke and Pepsi sued for creating a plastic pollution ‘nuisance’
Thursday, 27 February 2020
Earth has acquired a brand new moon that's about the size of a car
Missouri hunters donated nearly 350,000 pounds of deer meat to food banks this season
People survived the Toba supervolcano’s global winter after all
Wednesday, 26 February 2020
Pizza Hut Wants To Replace All Cheese With Vegan Alternative To Cut Emissions
A Billionaire Who Funds Climate Denial Is No Longer on American Museum of Natural History Board
Natural gas is a much ‘dirtier’ energy source than we thought
Study dates Victorian volcano that buried a human-made axe 34,000 years ago
Monday, 24 February 2020
Greta Thunberg’s mother reveals teenager’s troubled childhood
Bacteria Engineered to Protect Bees from Pests and Pathogens
Genetically Engineered Bacteria Protect Honey Bees Against Parasites
Fusion startup claims breakthrough will provide "unlimited" energy
Sunday, 23 February 2020
Wood waste makes recycled concrete stronger than ever
Saturday, 22 February 2020
Colorado River flow shrinks from climate crisis, risking ‘severe water shortages’
Friday, 21 February 2020
Hungary's eight-point climate plan unveiled
Thursday, 20 February 2020
Alcohol flowing freely from your taps might sound funny. But the reality is anything but in this town
Oil and gas firms 'have had far worse climate impact than thought'
Renewable energy could power the world by 2050
Wednesday, 19 February 2020
Bees may struggle in winds caused by global warming, study finds
Amazon's Jeff Bezos pledges $10 billion to launch Earth Fund for combating climate change
The carbon cost of home delivery and how to avoid it
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
The breakthrough material that can turn any surface into a solar cell
Wild beavers reduce flood risk and boost wildlife, study finds
211m gallons of sewage spilled into Fort Lauderdale waterways, officials say
Monday, 17 February 2020
Human activity contaminated this glacier before anyone stepped foot on it
The Sunrise Movement is taking the fight to Big Oil’s home turf
Sunday, 16 February 2020
Can Wolves Play Fetch? Yes, But Researchers Don't Know Why
Tropical Snakes Suffer as a Fungus Kills the Frogs They Prey On
Morgan Freeman Converted His 124-Acre Ranch Into A Giant Honeybee Sanctuary To Save The Bees
Friday, 14 February 2020
Antarctic temperature rises above 20C for first time on record
The Science Behind Snow Rollers, Ice Circles and Other Winter Phenomena
Thursday, 13 February 2020
Half of U.S. deaths related to air pollution are linked to out-of-state emissions
Wednesday, 12 February 2020
Orb-weaver spiders’ yellow and black pattern helps them lure prey
Plan to expand Bristol airport rejected after climate protests
Environmentalists say B.C. falling behind on pledge to protect Great Bear Rainforest
The T. Rex may be the King of Lizards, but its new cousin is the "Reaper of Death"
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